Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Avenged Sevenfold’s “Carry On” Nominated For Revolver Magazine’s “Song Of The Year.”

Revolver Magazine want to know what you think the Song Of The Year is.
Avenged Sevenfold’s “Carry On” is nominated and you can vote as many times as you want until Jan 1st.

Here it is the Link---> http://www.revolvermag.com/news/vote-for-the-song-of-the-year.html

Go vote, vote for Avenged Sevenfold 'Carry On' :3 !!

Kamis, 15 November 2012

Mars SMP Negeri 1 Slawi Lyrics

Dalam derap langkah pembangunan bangsa

Kami selalu ada untuk berkarya

Dan membimbing putra-putri bangsa

Untuk menggapai cita-cita

Unggul dalam prestasi, mulia dalam budi pekerti

Serta sehat jasmani

Visi kami bersama dalam melangkah

SMP Negeri 1 Slawi


Oh yeah !
Source : Aldilla Audy Shabrina kelas IX-7 SMP Negeri 1 Slawi.
Ciptaan : Pak Endri Muris Jatmiko.

Sabtu, 03 November 2012

Words cannot even describe the amount of love expressed at last night's candlelight vigil. It was truly incredibly.
Source : http://www.facebook.com/suicidesilence?ref=stream

Rock In Peace Mitchell Adam Lucker

Singer of Suicide Silence died Thursday morning after sustaining injuries in a tragic motorcycle. He has died at the age of 28.

Update: Nuclear Blast Records has issued a statement: "It is with great sadness and regret this morning that we have to report that Mitch Lucker, vocalist of Suicide Silence, passed away a few hours ago due to injuries sustained during a motorcycle accident. Nuclear Blast would like to offer our condolences to his family, friends, band members and fans worldwide who are affected by this loss. He left us doing what he loved to do most. He was 28 years old and will be sorely missed. Fans are encouraged to share their memories, photos of Mitch and condolences on the band’s official Facebook page.” 

This is completely devastating to all of us and we offer our deepest condolences to his family. He will be forever in our hearts.

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

OC Weekly’s Top 25 Greatest Orange County Bands Of All Time.

OC Weekly have published their list of the “Top 25 Greatest Orange County Bands Of All Time” and Avenged Sevenfold were chosen at #10.

10. Avenged Sevenfold
This Huntington Beach four-piece occupy a weird space in the annals of OC metal, or metalcore, whatever you want to call it. Despite being rejected by the majority of old-school metal fans (i.e. anyone with a sleeveless denim jacket, a Napalm Death concert stub and tattoos older than you), Avenged Sevenfold have one of the most rabid young fan bases in the game. Coming up alongside the brutal shredding of colleagues like Eighteen Visions and Atreyu, the band dubbed A7X were one of the first bands to really embrace a more glammed-out ’80s resurgence of noodling guitar riffs, guy-liner, and a ghoulish identity that had a touch more humor than the blood-splattering, gut ripping aesthetic perfected by metal bands of old. You could say they’ve become the official bro band of their home city, but then again a lot of those lifted truck jockeys don’t appreciate just how musically proficient these guys are. Despite the untimely death of drummer James “The Rev” Sullivan, vocalist Matthew “M.Shadows” Sanders and company have persevered. To date, they’ve sold more than 4 million albums worldwide. What can we say, obviously someone’s diggin’ it.
source : http://deathbatnews.wordpress.com/2012/10/09/oc-weeklys-top-25-greatest-orange-county-bands-of-all-time/

Carry On song.


 “Search endlessly, fight ‘till we’re free”

 Mungkin beberapa dead strings udah tau itu potongan lirik lagu apa. Buat yang belom tau, itu potongan lirik lagu baru dari band Hard Rock Amerika, Avenged Sevenfold yang judulnya “Carry On”.
 Kebetulan gue yang juga lumayan suka lagu-lagu band ini mau nyoba ngulas tentang lagu baru ini.

 Gue harus ngulang lagu ini ampe 5 kali lebih untuk dengerin tiap aspek.

 Kita mulai dari segi gitar.
 Kombinasi harmoni Syn & ZV masi sama, masi ada karakter. Ga cuma dari teknik, tapi juga karakter sound effect yang dipake masi sama.
 Tapi emang menurut gue ada beberapa nada yang melodius & mirip ke banyak lagu-lagu band yang beraliran Power Metal (wajar aja, karena teknik gitar untuk band Hard Rock dan Metal kebanyakan ga jauh beda).
 Tapi sayangnya tingkat kerumitan skill gitarnya jadi kurang terasa (cuma kerasa di bagian intro dengan beberapa kombinasi arpeggio). Speed diturunkan, teknik banyak yang sama, jadi ga serumit “Afterlife” atau “Beast and The Harlot”.
 Back up distortion nya lebih tenang, hampir tanpa depth sama sekali (depth cuma terasa di bagian solo gitar setelah solo drum, lewat menit ke 3:12 tepatnya).
 Di bagian awal memang kita bisa denger bunyi depth gitar, tapi ga dominan juga kayak di Beast And The Harlot dulu.

 Matt Shadows lebih melodius.
 Terutama di bagian reff yang potongannya ada di awal postingan ini. Tapi itu juga masi tetap pake karakter Avenged Sevenfold. Walaupun di lagu ini kedengeran udah banyak perbedaan sejak selepas album Nightmare, tapi perbedaan itu menuju kea rah yang positif & progresif, bukan negative & regresif.
 Entah siapa yang nge-growl di bagian pre-reff (sebelum reff), tapi gue rasa ini yang buat lagu ini masih ada warna A7X nya walau kerasa ada beberapa perbedaan di lagu band ini sejak album Nightmare.

 Johnny Christ lebih aktif.
 Mungkin JC muak maen statis. Kalo didenger di lagu ini, bass line nya jadi lebih manis & dinamis. Di bagian reff, solo, bahkan outro, ada beberapa variasi bass line yang dimaenin & precision juga ada walau sedikit. Harus gue akuin di lagu ini JC kedengeran banget kemajuannya.

 Arin Illejay pamer skill.
 Yah, dari awal lagu juga udah bisa denger sendiri permainan double pedalnya. Kombinasi fill in di solo drum setelah solo gitar juga nunjukin gimana Arin (walaupun masih belom bisa gue liat dimana karakter Arin). Di bagian reff sendiri masih banyak kedengeran kayak alm The Rev di lagu Beast and The Harlot. Sayangnya Arin belom nunjukin karakternya baik dari segi karakter drum set sound maupun teknik (misalnya kayak The Rev yang karakter suara drumnya tegas & lantang, ditambah sama teknik double ride yang jadi ciri khasnya). Sampe saat ini Arin masih berpatokan ke ‘Avenged Sevenfold’ itu sendiri. Tapi Arin lumayan memanfaatkan drum setnya di solo drumnya di lagu ini. Denger sendiri tuh snare, tom, cymbal (Chinese cymbal yang jarang kita denger di lagu-lagu band ini juga kedengeran). Mungkin Avenged Sevenfold ngasi kesempatan buat Arin yang sempet diremehin sama fans Avenged Sevenfold karena anggota baru yang dirasa ga pantes masuk band ini.

 Better mixing! Sounds better!
 Berbeda ama lagu “04.00 AM” yang ada di EP Album “Welcome To The Family”, mixing single kali ini rata & bersih. Bahkan bunyi hi-hat drum pun bisa kedengeran walau ditimpa sama tebalnya distorsi. Bass line yang jarang kedengeran juga jadi lebih jelas. Balanced pokoknya.

 Secara keseluruhan.
 Semua poin di atas cuma pendapat gue, jadi ga usah protes kalo punya pendapat sendiri. Ini kesimpulan gue. Avenged Sevenfold banyak berubah warna lagunya sejak album Nightmare. Menurut gue pribadi ini akibat ulahnya Mike Portnoy dan masuknya Arin yang sebelumnya berasal dari band Death Metal (kalo ga salah) jadi ada “pengaruh” dari kedua drummer ini yang nempel di band.

 Tapi harus diakuin memang pengaruh sang senior (Portnoy) banyak ngaruh ke seluruh anggota. Perhatiin sejak album Nightmare, banyak perbedaan di Avenged Sevenfold, entah dari segi warna lagu, karakter sound, mixing, dsb. Untungnya perbedaan itu ke arah yang positif. Ditambah dengan adanya JC yang sekarang lebih aktif, mereka jadi lebih baik walau ditinggal The Rev & Portnoy dan harus beradaptasi sama Arin untuk pembuatan lagu.

 Okay, gue rasa cukup dah pembahasan lagu ini.
 sumber dari : IBRAM ALIF FARDANI.



Rabu, 26 September 2012

Avenged Sevenfold New Song - Carry On lyrics

Some people live that selfish desire
 Some choose to shout when they speak and they’ll be the start
 Guarding the flame of those deep in fire
 Seeking out those with a voice
 One for tomorrow

They say we’ve lost our minds, we’ve just gained control
 Search endlessly, fight till we’re free
 Fly past the edge of the sea
 No bended knee, no mockery,
 Somehow we still carry on

Silence your fear, we’ve got to move higher,
 Unlock the stars in the sky
 Guarding us all
 Battle the will of those who consá¹—ire,
 Take back the passion to live, vanish the sorrow

Destroys their perfect crime, watch the power fold
 Search endlessly, fight till we’re free
 Fly past the edge of the sea
 No bended knee, no mockery,
 Somehow we still carry on

Search endlessly, fight till we’re free
 Fly past the edge of the sea
 No bended knee, no mockery,
 Somehow we still carry on
 Carry on

The song is Available Now on Youtube! Check it out -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hvv6BXdQiU

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012



Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Cegah Penuaan Dini dengan Ritual Tidur yang Tepat

Hampir semua wanita tahu kalau tidur yang cukup, baik untuk kesehatan kulit. Tapi tahukah Anda posisi tidur yang salah justru bisa membuat kulit cepat keriput?

Saat tidur proses regenerasi sel kulit berlangsung. Pada saat tidur juga hormon kortisol penyebab stres berkurang sehingga kulit lebih sehat. Demikian pula melatonin — hormon antioksidan ini meningkat saat kita tidur. Hormon ini bermanfaat untuk melawan tanda-tanda penuaan dini bahkan kanker kulit.

Kolagen yang baik untuk kekenyalan kulit juga aktif diproduksi saat Anda tidur. Karena itu, tak ada salahnya setiap hari Anda berinvestasi pada tidur yang baik demi kesehatan kulit.

Kerutan pada wajah bisa muncul akibat posisi tidur yang salah. Menurut The American Academy of Dermatology, sebaiknya kita sering-sering mengganti posisi tidur. Posisi yang sama terus-menerus bisa membentuk “garis tidur” di wajah.

Semakin lama garis tersebut semakin dalam dan sulit untuk hilang. Jika Anda suka tidur menghadap samping, sebaiknya jangan selalu menghadap ke arah yang sama. Posisi tidur terbaik untuk menjaga kekencangan kulit adalah posisi telentang. Kulit diuntungkan oleh efek gravitasi pada posisi ini karena bisa membantu menghaluskan kembali garis wajah yang terbentuk akibat aktivitas sehari-hari.

Sedangkan posisi tidur tengkurap dinilai kurang bagus karena posisi ini membuat kulit tertarik gravitasi ke arah yang salah yang bisa membuat Anda lebih cepat keriput. Selain itu, pastikan posisi kepala lebih tinggi dari jantung saat tidur — untuk mengurangi efek mata panda.

Peralatan tidur
Peralatan tidur yang tepat bisa mengurangi risiko alergi atau iritasi pada kulit. Jika memungkinkan, pilih kasur yang bisa mencegah serangga kecil bersarang di tempat tidur Anda. Biasanya Anda bisa menemukan fungsi ini di label yang terdapat pada kasur Anda.

Gigitan serangga kecil bisa menimbulkan reaksi iritasi atau alergi tergantung pada kondisi kulit. Duduk di tempat tidur dengan pakaian yang dipakai dari aktivitas luar, makan di tempat tidur, serta kegiatan-kegiatan lain di tempat tidur bisa berpotensi membawa kuman ke atas kasur Anda.

Tak hanya masalah kebersihan, peralatan tidur yang digunakan juga bisa berpengaruh terhadap munculnya garis-garis permanen pada wajah. Untuk menghindari hal ini, gunakan sarung bantal dari bahan satin. Bahan satin yang lembut tidak akan kusut dan menimbulkan cetakan pada wajah.

Bahan satin juga ramah untuk rambut karena tidak menyebabkan rambut kusut atau tertarik, dan mengurangi kerontokan.

Perawatan sebelum tidur
Jangan sepelekan mencuci muka dan membersihkan make-up sebelum pergi tidur. Pori-pori yang tersumbat saat tidur berisiko menyebabkan iritasi dan gangguan kulit. Pada siang hari, paparan sinar matahari, terpaan polusi, serta lapisan make up membuat kulit wajah terlalu “sibuk” dan sulit menyerap manfaat dari krim yang bermanfaat untuk kulit.

Pada malam hari kulit bisa menyerap secara maksimal manfaat krim yang bermanfaat untuk kulit. Karena itu tak jarang dokter kulit meresepkan krim malam yang penting untuk proses regenerasi kulit.

Pada saat tidur, terutama jika Anda tidur dengan pendingin ruangan, sebaiknya gunakan pelembap pada kulit. Minyak zaitun merupakan pilihan pelembab yang baik untuk digunakan pada kaki, tangan, maupun wajah saat akan tidur. Oleskan pada kaki lalu tutupi dengan kaus kaki agar efeknya bisa terserap secara maksimal. Ritual ini sangat efektif untuk memperbaiki kulit kaki yang kerap pecah dan kering akibat beraktivitas seharian.

Suasana kamar
Tidur yang paling baik adalah dengan suasana yang tenang dalam cahaya yang redup atau bahkan gelap. Hal ini karena salah satu hormon penting untuk kesehatan kulit hanya bekerja efektif dalam cahaya yang minim. Melatonin, hormon yang diproduksi secara maksimal oleh tubuh dalam suasana yang gelap. Karena itu, pastikan tutup tirai Anda dan matikan lampu untuk suasana tidur yang nyaman dan baik untuk kecantikan.

Selamat tidur!

Source : http://yahoo.co.id

Mengatur Pola Makan Selama Puasa

Bulan Ramadhan sudah datang. Saatnya kewajiban puasa sebulan penuh dilaksanakan.

Bagi kesehatan, puasa itu baik. Sayangnya, masih banyak diantara kita yang salah mengatur pola makan saat berbuka dan sahur.

Ahli gizi klinis, dr. Samuel Oetoro, SpGK, menyarankan agar tetap mengonsumsi makanan sehat selama berpuasa.
"Rumusnya adalah 4J: jumlah, jadwal, jenis dan jurus masak," jelasnya.

Dokter yang bekerja di MRCC Siloam Hospital Semanggi, Jakarta, ini pun memberikan beberapa tip dan pola makan yang benar selama bulan puasa.

1. Jadwal

Tentu saja selama berpuasa terjadi perubahan jadwal makan. Dari biasanya tiga kali sehari, kini hanya dua kali sehari, yaitu saat sahur dan buka. Dokter Samuel mengajak kita agar pintar menyiasatinya.

"Pilih makanan saat sahur yang bisa bertahan lama di tubuh dan menjaga kadar gula darah tetap stabil. Jangan menyantap makanan yang memicu kadar gula darah cepat turun karena menyebabkan timbulnya rasa lapar lebih cepat," jelasnya.

2. Jumlah

Jumlah makanan yang kita santap saat sahur harus sama seperti saat kita makan di hari biasa. Saat melek untuk makan sahur, pilihlah makanan lengkap yang terdiri dari nasi, sumber protein dan lemak yang lengkap.

3. Jurus memasak

Nutrisi dari setiap makanan bisa diketahui dari cara masak. Selama puasa, kebanyakan orang asal memilih makanan asalkan kenyang. Padahal jika tahu triknya, makanan akan sangat membantu tubuh agar tidak mudah lapar, lemah, letih dan lesu.

"Jangan banyak makan makanan gorengan dan terlalu banyak protein karena bisa bikin cepat haus. Pilih karbohidrat kompleks, yaitu nasi merah, yang membantu menjaga kadar gula darah tetap stabil," ungkapnya.

4. Jenis

Dokter Samuel juga menyarankan untuk memasukkan sumber gula 10 menit menjelang imsak. Tapi, jangan masukkan gula kompleks atau makanan serba manis. Makanlah buah atau sayur yang mengandung karbohidrat dan berserat.

"Buahnya langsung dikunyah atau diblender, bukan di jus. Karbohidrat dalam buah akan diserap tubuh secara perlahan dan turun pelan-pelan sehingga serat ini membantu menjaga gula darah tetap stabil dan tidak bikin cepat lapar. Sesudahnya, minum air putih minimal empat gelas agar tidak dehidrasi," jelasnya.

Hampir 14 jam berpuasa, akhirnya tiba saatnya berbuka. Karena kadar gula darah sudah sangat rendah, maka segeralah berbuka dengan yang manis. Eits, bukan kolak, sirup, teh atau es buah. Pilih manis yang sehat, yaitu jus buah.

"Kalau pas sahur buahnya dikunyah, pas buka buahnya di jus, karena tidak ada seratnya. Pilih buah yang banyak airnya, seperti semangka, melon atau jeruk. Jus cuma mengandung air dan sangat dibutuhkan karena selama berpuasa kadar air dalam tubuh rendah," jelasnya.

Lanjut dengan sholat magrib. Sesudah sholat, Anda boleh makan lengkap seperti saat sahur. Kemudian solat taraweh. Pulangnya, boleh makan makanan mengandung karbohidrat kompleks untuk mengisi otot dan menjadi cadangan karbohidrat untuk puasa esok hari.

Source : http://yahoo.co.id

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Chelsea win the Champions League

  Bayern Munich 1 Chelsea 1 (aet) - Blues win 4-3 on penalties

CHELSEA were crowned European champions last night after a dramatic penalty shootout in Germany.

Against ridiculous odds that had seen the Blues face Bayern Munich in their own backyard, they were even forced to take spot-kicks in front of the end housing their rivals’ supporters.

For Blues owner Roman Abramovich, this was not a dream, it was an obsession. In his nine years at Stamford Bridge, he has axed eight managers, signed 66 players and spent over £1billion.

But even the Russian could not have imagined that an ageing squad and a rookie manager would finally bring home the trophy he describes as football’s holy grail.

On a night of tension and excitement, Roberto Di Matteo’s men had looked dead and buried more than once.

Thomas Muller gave Bayern the lead on 83 minutes only for Didier Drogba to level with a powerful header from Juan Mata’s 88th-minute corner.

WATCHING DUTY ... suspended Chelsea captain John Terry looks on ahead of the match

Striker Drogba then went from hero to villain as he brought down Franck Ribery inside Chelsea’s box in the opening stages of extra-time.

But Petr Cech denied former Blues winger Arjen Robben from the resulting penalty.

STRIKE A POSE ... Chelsea and Bayern Munich teams line up before the match

The drama did not end there, though, as Chelsea struggled with fatigue, lost the toss as the game went to penalties and were forced to embark on a shootout in front of Bayern’s fans.

Mata missed Chelsea’s first spot-kick to give Bayern the upper hand after Philipp Lahm had opened the scoring.

PERIL ... Bayern's Bastian Schweinsteiger receives an early yellow card

Mario Gomez made it 2-0 before David Luiz eventually got Chelsea off the mark.

But Bayern keeper Manuel Neuer appeared to put the trophy out of Chelsea’s reach by netting to make it 3-1.

MAKING A STAND ... Bayern fans hold up signs saying 'Our City, Our Stadium, Our Cup'

Frank Lampard gave the Blues hope before the drama really unfolded when Cech denied sub Ivica Olic brilliantly and Ashley Cole brought Chelsea level at 3-3.

Then when midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger missed, it was probably only fitting that Drogba, who had carried Chelsea to the final, should bury the crucial kick.

NOD ON ... Mario Gomez heads over Bayern's best chance of the first half

All the early pressure came from Bayern as they attempted to torture Chelsea using the pace of wingers Ribery and Robben.

The first sight of goal fell to Bayern as Toni Kroos unleashed a right-footed drive that flew past Cech’s right-hand post.

LET OFF ... Frank Ribery fires into the net but is offside

Even at an early stage, it was evident Bayern were going to see far more of the ball and Chelsea were likely to rely on quick, counter-attacking football — just like they did against Barcelona in the semi-finals.

Yet it was near suicidal defending from Jose Boswinga that almost handed Bayern the initiative when he made a complete hash of clearing Lampard’s backpass.

FLARE PLAYERS ... Bayern fans get into the mood ahead of the second half

It needed a breathtaking save from Cech to deny Robben.

The Dutchman was poised to wheel away in celebration but saw the ball come off the keeper’s leg and divert on to the angle of the post and bar.

MULLERED ... Bayern Munich forward Thomas heads his side in front

If Chelsea were going to overcome a side that had won seven straight home games en route to the final, they were going to do it the hard way.

Muller should have given Bayern the lead, firing wide with a volley from a pinpoint Diego Contento cross.

DROG OF WAR ... Didier Drogba scores Chelsea's equalising goal

Chelsea then produced their best move of the half nine minutes before the break.

Drogba cushioned the ball and laid it off to Lampard, who found Salomon Kalou. He strode forward before firing in a shot that Neuer did well to save at his near post.

GOTTA HAND IT TO 'EM ... Didier Drogba celebrates his leveller

It brought an instant reaction from Bayern but the outstanding Gary Cahill was equal to Gomez as the striker attempted to turn and get his shot away.

After the break Bayern picked up where they had left off, with Robben ballooning the ball over having raced into Chelsea’s box before Ribery found the net on 54 minutes — only to see his effort ruled out for offside.

SPOT ON ... Petr Cech gathers the ball after saving Arjen Robben's extra-time penalty

Ashley Cole then came to the Blues’ rescue, blocking a goalbound shot from Robben.

Even Chelsea’s talisman Drogba began to sit deep, leaving the Blues with few attacking options when they did manage to clear the ball.

BACK OF THE NET ... Didier Drogba's penalty wins the Champions League for Chelsea

Robben was continuing to play like a man possessed but even he was becoming frustrated by his side’s inability to turn possession into clear-cut chances.

With 12 minutes left, Muller had a great chance to put Bayern ahead but lost his footing and fired wide.

BLU-MIN' MARVELLOUS ... Chelsea players rush to congratulate Didier Drogba on scoring the winning penalty

But his luck changed on 83 minutes when his superb downward header beat Cech to make it 1-0.

Di Matteo threw on Fernando Torres for Kalou with six minutes left and, with time running out, they won a corner on the right.

PILE ON ... Chelsea players celebrate with Didier Drogba

Mata stepped up and his delivery found Drogba, who powered his header home.

But barely minutes into extra-time, Drogba took away Ribery’s legs inside Chelsea’s penalty area.

Robben stepped up to take the resulting spot-kick but Cech came out on top.

WE WUZ ROBBED ... Arjen Robben and Mario Gomez look gutted after losing

Again Bayern came back at Chelsea and should have regained the lead through Olic — but he shot inches wide when unmarked.

The Blues were now playing for penalties, a dangerous tactic given England’s record against German sides and their spot-kick pain against Manchester United in 2008.

Luckily, for Abramovich, his ageing stars had not read the script.
source : http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/premteams/queens_park_rangers/

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

What not to give for Mother's Day

Given that there's only one day per year dedicated to thanking Mom for all that she does the other 364 days, it's a good idea to give her something awesome.

With that in mind, we suggest avoiding the following items, which aren't even close to the best way to honor her fabulousness.
iStock Photo

-Gag Gifts

Even if Mom has an awesome sense of humor, she's not likely to find a gift of bacon-flavored frosting or any other gag present all that funny. All she does for you is no joke, so don't treat the holiday as though it is.

-Anything As Seen on TV

While it is the thought that counts, if your thought cannot get itself off of the couch to research something Mom will really like rather than what's served to you via TV ads, there's room for improvement. Take a moment to think about what she really, really wants rather than what's advertized to you--unless, of course, she's been begging for another Snuggie.

-Diet Books

Want to alienate your loving mother and ensure that you are left on your own to manage all the daily chores she usually covers on your behalf? Give her a diet book such as this one and you'll do exactly that.


Even if Mom loves and swears by Spanx, she doesn't want a gift that reminds her that she needs them. Stick with gifts that flatter the figure she has, not the one she wants.

-Wrinkle Cream

Mother's Day is an occasion to celebrate her just the way she is. Skip the youth serums and other hints at cosmetic improvement and you'll remind her she's loved--laugh lines and all.

-SmartShopper™ 301 Grocery List Organizer

It's tough enough that she does all the shopping, and likely the cleaning, cooking, and laundry, too. On her one day of the year, the last thing you want to do is gift her something that makes her housework easier...unless that includes you doing it for her!

-Household Appliances

She may have expressed her desire for a fancy Dyson vacuum cleaner or a convenient KitchenAid mixer sometime this year, but that doesn't make a household appliance a good gift idea. No woman wants to be reminded of household chores or think you're thinking of her as the one who does the cooking and cleaning when she opens her gift.

source : http://kaboodle.com

Pet food recalled after salmonella outbreak

Check your pantry shelves – a nationwide recall of products from Diamond Pet Foods may affect you and your pets.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it's looking into a salmonella outbreak – in humans – that may trace back to Diamond Pet Foods' dog food. The affected food was manufactured in South Carolina, but the illness has cropped up in 14 people across nine states overall. CDC investigators believe it's possible that those who have fallen ill with the rare strain of salmonella got sick via contact with dogs who had eaten the tainted food, or the food itself.

The recall has expanded since April, when Diamond -- whose website touts its products as "holistic" and "all-natural," and gives pride of place to its purified-water cooking process -- pulled just three brands. Now, as a precaution, the company has broadened the recall to nine brands, thanks to information gleaned from those sickened; seven of 10 of those stricken had had contact with a dog in the week prior, and five of the sick people remembered the type of dog food they'd had contact with as well.

VIDEO: Manatee swirl confuses, delights Florida beachgoers

The nine states with reported cases are Alabama, Connecticut, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. But the food is distributed in as many as 16 states and in Canada, which is also subject to the recall.

Several types of food are affected, cat food as well as dog food. A complete list of the labels, with relevant production dates, is available at DiamondPetRecall.com, and includes but is not limited to Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul; Country Value; Diamond and Diamond Naturals; Taste of the Wild; and two Kirkland Signature labels. Click the link above and make sure you're not inadvertently feeding contaminated kibble.

So how exactly did the salmonella jump from dog-food bowls to the unfortunate folks who came down with the strain? The CDC is still tracking the outbreak, but said there could be a handful of explanations: people touching the dog food, then their own food; contact with bowls or utensils used to serve the dog food that weren't cleaned properly afterwards; and that old standby, a canine carrier licking their faces.

How to prevent it in your home? Washing your hands frequently and thoroughly with hot soapy water is the best way to fend off any illness. Also wash your hands before and after contact with pet food, including treats; after petting or handling pets (and especially their poop); before preparing your own meals, and before eating them. Children are less able to fight off food-borne illness, so don't let them near the pet food bowls, and keep an eye on those photogenic dog kisses, which could spread disease as well.

In this case, the easiest preventive measure you can take is checking your pantry for suspect kibble, and getting rid of any recalled brands pronto, then cleaning the surfaces and storage containers it had contact with.

This isn't the first time kibble has caused an extended salmonella outbreak among humans. 2006 and 2007 saw salmonella passed around 70 people in 19 states thanks to contaminated kibble. Let's hope this outbreak gets kiboshed more quickly – but if you think you have salmonella (whose symptoms often resemble a garden-variety stomach bug: fever, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, GI pain), call your doctor promptly. The symptoms look pretty similar in pets, so if you think your dog or cat is affected, by the recalled food or for any reason, contact your veterinarian.

Copyright © 2012 Yahoo Inc.

3 Buah untuk Mencegah Penuaan Dini

Penuaan dini adalah hal yang dihindari oleh wanita. Ketimbang memakai berbagai perawatan kulit dari bahan kimia di kulit, lebih baik gunakan bahan-bahan alami ini.

Buah kiwi memiliki kandungan vitamin C yang tinggi. Satu buah kiwi bisa memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin C selama satu hari. Vitamin C bermanfaat untuk memperbaharui kolagen dalam kulit, sehingga kulit tetap terjaga kelenturannya. Selain itu, vitamin C berguna untuk membentuk antioksidan untuk mencegah partikel berbahaya merusak kulit. Kiwi juga kaya serat, sehingga membantu proses detoksifikasi tubuh. Rasanya pun sangat lezat.

Selain kaya serat dan vitamin C, buah pepaya juga memiliki kandungan vitamin A dan E yang tinggi. Kedua vitamin tersebut berguna untuk mengobati peradangan yang terjadi di jaringan kulit. Selain itu, kandungan karotin di dalam pepaya juga melindungi kulit dari kerusakan yang diakibatkan oleh sinar matahari.Buah pepaya segar dapat menjadi makanan penutup yang lezat juga sehat.

Buah Avokad
Buah Avokad memiliki kandungan minyak omega sehingga melindungi jaringan kulit dari peradangan. Selain itu buah ini juga kaya akan vitamin B5 yang membantu regenerasi sel kulit dan menjaga kelembapan serta kehalusan kulit.Selain itu avokad bisa dijadikan berbagai makanan yang lezat, juga masker alami wajah. Jadi Anda tak perlu membeli berbagai produk kosmetika yang mahal.

Lezat dan bermanfaat bukan?
source : http://yahoo.co.id

Inilah 11 Pemain yang Masuk Daftar Belanja Barca

Barcelona dilaporkan baru saja memasukan 11 nama pemain dalam daftar belanjanya untuk musim panas mendatang. Para kandidat ditargetkan untuk mengisi tiga posisi.

Seperti dikutip dari Sport, pelatih pengganti di Barca, Tito Vilanova ingin menambah kekuatan di posisi bek kiri, gelandang tengah dan penyerang tengah.

Siapa saja yang ada di dalam daftar belanja itu? Berikut nama namanya:

Kandidat bek sayap

- David Alaba (Bayern Munich)

- Jordi Alba (Valencia)

- Siqueira (Granada)

- Gareth Bale (Tottenham Hotspur)

Kandidat pemain tengah

- Thiago Silva (AC Milan)

- David Luiz (Chelsea)

- Jan Vertonghen (Ajax)

- Javi Martinez (Athletic Bilbao)

Penyerang tengah

- Fernando Llorente (Athletic Bilbao)

- Adrian (Atletico Madrid)

- Robin van Persie (Arsenal)
source : http://republica.co.id

Valentino Rossi Bantah akan Pensiun

Juara dunia tujuh kali, Valentino Rossi membantah laporan-laporan surat kabar, yang mengatakan bahwa ia akan pensiun dari MotoGP pada Selasa (8/4) waktu setempat.
Rossi menderita masa-masa sulit sejak meninggalkan Yamaha untuk bergabung dengan Ducati, di mana ia hanya mampu berada di peringkat ketujuh pada kejuaraan tahun lalu dan hanya satu kali mampu naik podium. Setelah tiga balap pada tahun ini, ia hanya menghuni peringkat kesembilan.
Sebuah laporan yang dimuat surat kabar Inggris, The Telegraph, menyebutkan kalau Rossi akan pensiun. Namun ia membantahnya.
"Selamat tinggal, rekan-rekan, rumor-rumor mengenai pensiunnya diriku di akhir tahun ini tidak benar! Sampai bertemu di Le Mans," tulis pebalap 33 tahun tersebut melalui akun Twitternya.
"Saya tidak memiliki niat untuk pensiun di akhir musim, itu hanya cerita yang dibuat-buat. Beberapa hal tertulis di surat kabar, bukan karena itu merupakan kebenaran, namun karena mereka berjualan koran."
Rossi berada pada kondisi kritis di Ducati sejak balap pertamanya musim ini, sehingga tersiar rumor bahwa ia tidak bahagia dengan tim Italia tersebut.
The Telegraph, yang mengutip seorang sumber anonim yang dekat dengan Rossi, mengklaim melalui situsnya, bahwa Rossi akan pensiun di akhir musim ini, ketika kontraknya di Ducati juga berakhir.
Rossi adalah salah satu pebalap tersukses sepanjang masa di olahraga ini, dengan tujuh gelar juara dunia antara 2001 sampai 2009, ditambah dua gelar dunia dari kelas yang lebih rendah.
Tetapi pada musim lalu, untuk pertama kalinya ia gagal memenangi satupun balapan.
source : http://id.yahoo.com

Main Sepakbola Cegah Osteoporosis

Berolahraga rutin, seperti bermain sepak bola dan tenis tak hanya menyehatkan tubuh. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan pria yang sering bermain sepakbola dan tenis dapat mencegah terjadinya penyakit tulang rapuh.

Orang yang aktif dengan bermain sepak bola, tenis, atau olahraga lain, seperti basket dan voli selama empat jam seminggu atau lebih dapat meningkatkan massa tulang dan dapat mencegah osteoporosis.

"Pria yang meningkatkan aktivitas fisik sejak usia 19-24 tahun tidak hanya memiliki tulang yang sehat, tetapi juga memiliki tulang yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan orang yang tidak melakukan olahraga," papar penulis penelitian Dr Mattias Lorentzon dari University of Gothenburg di Swedia, dilansir melalui Dailymail (7/5).

Tulang yang lebih besar dengan massa yang lebih besar diharapkan bisa menjadi pelindung dari risiko osteoporosis, penyakit yang memengaruhi pria dan wanita saat menginjak usia 50 tahun ke atas dimana tulang menjadi keropos dan lemah dari waktu ke waktu.

"Osteoporosis sebenarnya sudah terjadi ketika seseorang memasuki usia 25 tahun, ketika tulang mulai kehilangan jaringannya. Jadi penelitian ini menyampaikan pesan yang sangat penting bagi anak muda. Semakin banyak bergerak dan aktif, maka semakin baik pertumbuhan tulang Anda," papar Dr Lorentzon.

Temuan yang dipublikasikan dalam Journal of Bone and Mineral Research ini sebelumnya melibatkan 833 orang berusia 18-20 tahun di Gothenburd, Swedia. Peneliti mengukur massa tulang dan menanyai partisipan mengenai kebiasaan olahraga mereka. Lima tahun kemudian, partisipan diminta melakukan scan tulang lagi dan mencatat tingkat aktivitas fisik mereka.

Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa partisipan yang rutin berolahraga memiliki kesempatan besar untuk membangun tulang yang kuat. Selain itu, orang yang rutin berolahraga ekstra selama lima tahun penelitian terbukti mengalami peningkatan kepadatan tulang pinggul sebesar 1,3 persen.

Sementara orang yang malas berolahraga kehilangan massa tulang pada pinggul hingga 2,1 persen. Kondisi ini dianggap mengkhawatirkan, karena penipisan tulang pinggul mengharuskan mereka beristirahat di kemudian hari. Patah tulang pinggul pada pria juga sering menyebabkan kecacatan serius dan komplikasi.
source : http://id.yahoo.com

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Avenged Sevenfold Concert in Jakarta, Indonesia Cancelled

Over the years, Jakarta, with its many loyal A7X fans, has become one of our favorite cities to visit. And so it is with the deepest regret that we announce tonight's (May 1) concert in Jakarta, Indonesia has been cancelled.

Upon arriving at the venue in the morning and consulting with local production staff it was determined that the stage at Carnaval Beach was not safe and would endanger the band and the thousands of fans who had purchased tickets. Although the building of a stage is the responsibility of the promoter, not the band, our production crew made every effort to work with local staff to find a way to overcome concerns and put on a safe event. Unfortunately the safety concerns were too great and made it impossible for us to perform.

You may read reports from others that the show was cancelled because the band was worried about its security. Do not believe it. There is only one reason the show was cancelled: the stage had numerous defects and was not safe and our fans, as well as the band and crew, could have been hurt.

Words cannot adequately express how disappointed we are at missing the opportunity to play in Jakarta.

We have been advised by the promoter that full refunds will be issue to ticketholders at the Twin Plaza Hotel Ballroom on May 5 between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M.

source : http://www.avengedsevenfold.com

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

E = mc2

Albert Einstein is perhaps the most famous scientist of this century. One of his most well-known accomplishments is the formula
Despite its familiarity, many people don't really understand what it means. We hope this explanation will help!
One of Einstein's great insights was to realize that matter and energy are really different forms of the same thing. Matter can be turned into energy, and energy into matter.
For example, consider a simple hydrogen atom, basically composed of a single proton. This subatomic particle has a mass of
0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 672 kg
This is a tiny mass indeed. But in everyday quantities of matter there are a lot of atoms! For instance, in one kilogram of pure water, the mass of hydrogen atoms amounts to just slightly more than 111 grams, or 0.111 kg.
Einstein's formula tells us the amount of energy this mass would be equivalent to, if it were all suddenly turned into energy. It says that to find the energy, you multiply the mass by the square of the speed of light, this number being 300,000,000 meters per second (a very large number):
= 0.111 x 300,000,000 x 300,000,000
= 10,000,000,000,000,000 Joules

This is an incredible amount of energy! A Joule is not a large unit of energy ... one Joule is about the energy released when you drop a textbook to the floor. But the amount of energy in 30 grams of hydrogen atoms is equivalent to burning hundreds of thousands of gallons of gasoline!

If you consider all the energy in the full kilogram of water, which also contains oxygen atoms, the total energy equivalent is close to 10 million gallons of gasoline!
Can all this energy really be released? Has it ever been?

The only way for ALL this energy to be released is for the kilogram of water to be totally annhilated. This process involves the complete destruction of matter, and occurs only when that matter meets an equal amount of antimatter ... a substance composed of mass with a negative charge. Antimatter does exist; it is observable as single subatomic particles in radioactive decay, and has been created in the laboratory. But it is rather short-lived (!), since it annihilates itself and an equal quantity of ordinary matter as soon as it encounters anything. For this reason, it has not yet been made in measurable quantities, so our kilogram of water can't be turned into energy by mixing it with 'antiwater'. At least, not yet.

Another phenomenon peculiar to small elementary particles like protons is that they combine. A single proton forms the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. Two protons are found in the nucleus of a helium atom. This is how the elements are formed ... all the way up to the heaviest naturally occuring substance, uranium, which has 92 protons in its nucleus.
It is possible to make two free protons (Hydrogen nuclei) come together to make the beginnings of a helium nucleus. This requires that the protons be hurled at each other at a very high speed. This process occurs in the sun, but can also be replicated on earth with lasers, magnets, or in the center of an atomic bomb. The process is called nuclear fusion.
What makes it interesting is that when the two protons are forced to combine, they don't need as much of their energy (or mass). Two protons stuck together have less mass than two single separate protons!
When the protons are forced together, this extra mass is released ... as energy! Typically this amounts to about 0.7% of the total mass, converted to an amount of energy predictable using the formula .

Elements heavier than iron are unstable. Some of them are very unstable! This means that their nuclei, composed of many positively charged protons, which want to repel from each other, are liable to fall apart at any moment! We call atoms like this radioactive.
Uranium, for example, is radioactive. Every second, many of the atoms in a chunk of uranium are falling apart. When this happens, the pieces, which are now new elements (with fewer protons) are LESS massive in total than the original uranium atoms. The extra mass disappears as energy ... again according to the formula ! This process is called nuclear fission.

Both these nuclear reactions release a small portion of the mass involved as energy. Large amounts of energy! You are probably more familiar with their uses. Nuclear fusion is what powers a modern nuclear warhead. Nuclear fission (less powerful) is what happens in an atomic bomb (like the ones used against Japan in WWII), or in a nuclear power plant.

Albert Einstein was able to see where an understanding of this formula would lead. Although peaceful by nature and politics, he helped write a letter to the President of the United States, urging him to fund research into the development of an atomic bomb ... before the Nazis or Japan developed their own first. The result was the Manhatten Project, which did in fact produce the first tangible evidence of ... the atomic bomb!

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Cara Membuat Judul Blog Bergerak :D

1.Login ke blogger anda

2.Kemudian klik Tata Letak/Template. Kemudian Klik Lagi Edit HTML.

3.Selanjutnya cari kode berikut ini....kalo susah pake Ctrl+F aja, ok?


4.Hapus Kode Tersebut dan ganti dengan Kode berikut ini :

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5. Anda bisa mengganti angka 100 yang berwarna hijau tersebut dengan keinginan anda. Karena angka tersebut adalah kecepatan pergerakan judul blog anda.

6. Selesai! lalu Save/Simpan Template :)


Cara Membuat Efek Daun Berjatuhan di Blog!

Hm…efek berjatuhan? Gampang  ;)

Cara Membuat Efek Daun Berjatuhan di Blog :

 1.       Login ke dashboard blogger anda.

 2.       Pilih Rancangan/Template lalu pilih Edit HTML, jangan lupa centang Expand widget template

 3.       Cari kode </head>  pada template dengan menggunakan Ctrl+F (agar mudah)

 4.       Copy kode javascript dibawah ini dan letakkan tepat diatas kode </head>
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 5.       Save /simpan template anda dan lihat hasilnya…. :DDD


Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Gravity Theory

One of the biggest questions that has puzzled mankind throughout the ages is how gravity works. This new gravitational theory not only explains how gravity works, but shows how errors can arise in determining the positions of space probes, in determining the mass of the earth and other planets and in determining the value of G, the universal gravitational constant. This new theory of gravity is part of a more general Unified Field Theory (UFT) that shows how all of the known force fields work together. Once understood, this new UFT explains several heretofore unexplained phenomena in nature. In this brief write up, we will only deal with the gravitational part of the UFT.
John Anderson and colleagues of NASA JPL, experts in the determination of spacecraft positioning, have published discrepancies observed in the locations of Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11 and of the Ulysses solar probe. (Anderson, 1998, Katz, 1999, Murphy, 1999) To date these discrepancies have not been fully explained. Anderson has raised the question as to whether there is a fundamental problem in our understanding of gravity or in the timing provided by the atomic clocks as part of the Deep Space Network (DSN), which tracks the space probes. The space vehicles exhibit a pull toward the sun greater than current theory would predict by about 2e-8 cm/s2. <!--more-->
The general model now being used to describe the gravitational field proposes that gravitational waves run transverse to the direction of propagation of the gravitational energy. As predicted by Einstein, gravitational energy would travel at the velocity of light. To date, no experiments have been able to directly measure gravitational waves or even detect them, but from the interaction of the gravitational forces between a binary pulsar pair, Professor Joseph Taylor (Princeton U.) was able to deduce Einstein's prediction that the gravitational energy travels at the velocity of light. (Taylor, 1994--Nobel prize 1993)
Currently, many hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent , and hundreds of millions are now being sought, by an international university and investigative consortium in order to continue their research into gravity waves and to unravel the mysteries of gravity. It is our hope and belief that our work will bring further enlightenment to this challenge and provide the necessary, but different, perspective needed to understand gravity. The most significant aspect of this new theory is the discovery of diallel, gravitational-field lines. These diallel lines open up a whole new paradigm and help to explain several, heretofore, unexplainable problems in physics. With a new perspective we need some new physics. Papers are in preparation for publication to explain some of this new physics, and some information is available on our web site [www.allanstime.com]
In this new theory, two things are required for gravity to work. First, two bodies of some energy density to interact with each other, and second, connecting diallel lines which provide not only particle flow between the bodies, but also the flow of photon and gravitational information as well.
In chemistry and molecular spectroscopy we take for granted the seven electron shells that describe the energy states of electrons in their various atomic and molecular configurations. These seven shells along with the number of protons, neutrons and electrons give us all of our elements and isotopes of which we are aware. As these seven shells include all the electrons’ configurations around an atom or molecule, similarly, there are seven channels or states of conductivity for the diallel lines included in the new theory of gravity and in the UFT. These diallel lines are made of the same matter, and can serve as a conduit for any and all of the fundamental particles, as well as for photons.
The diallel lines are the conduits for the gravity information as well — bringing about the interaction between the two bodies. Just as a magnetic field requires no particles to make the field, so there is no graviton required to make a gravity field. In the same way that a moving charge sets up a condition for the generation of a magnetic field, a certain set of conditions will generate a gravitational field. The minimum conditions require two bodies, each with some level of energy density, together with a flow of charged particles along the diallel lines connecting these two bodies. The moving charges and particles in the diallel lines set up the necessary condition for the gravitational information to flow between the two bodies providing the gravitational interaction. The velocity of the gravitational information is a function of the conditions – typically at or faster than the velocity of light.
The frequency of this gravitational information is located in a band just above that of the cosmic rays that are associated with particle annihilation and generation. Like light, the velocity of gravity information is dependent on local circumstances. In the same manner that photons are associated with quantum transitions and all particles exist (interactively) in quantum states, the diallel lines have quantum states in which both particles and gravitational information travel. As particles and photons can be absorbed, refracted, or reflected, so can diallel lines when given the right local circumstances. A classic illustration of the refraction or bending of these diallel lines was determined by a team from the University of Alaska, who observed the bending of electron flow above extremely energetic thunderstorm activities. As will be seen below, the equations of state describing the fields for diallel lines contain the possibility for sign reversal, i.e. anti gravity or gravitational shielding.
Some additional perspectives are useful to appreciate aspects of the new physics needed for this new theory. We have long established in quantum physics the dual nature of matter: a particle can behave like a wave. Similarly, a photon, which is basically an electromagnetic bundle of energy oscillating at a particular frequency, can also behave as a particle. The electromagnetic field associated with a photon has no charge, and its energy is proportional to its frequency. The gravitational information cannot be considered as a particle or a bundle of energy per se. Operating above the cosmic frequency band, this gravitational information is communicated in a way not heretofore appreciated. We cannot write E = hv to describe its energy, and we need a new set of equations associated with this flow of information.
In summary then, the conditions needed for the gravitational field are two objects with some energy density (not just mass) and with diallel lines running between these two energy-density objects, which diallel lines are conducting particles, i.e. electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. These diallel lines then provide a conduit for the gravitational band of frequencies to communicate and generate a gravitational interaction between the two objects. Much like our circulatory and respiratory systems breath and pulse to sustain life, so these diallel lines are the communication channels to provide (pulse and breath in analogy) a balance, harmony and the function of nature.
The traditional gravitational equation is:

The product of the masses is divided by the distance between theme squared, and "G" is the well known constant of proportionality — the universal gravitational constant. According to this equation. The acceleration of gravity that we feel on the earth is given by Gm1/r122 (= 9.8 m/s2 nominally at the surface of the earth) if m1 is the mass of the earth and m2 is mass of the person feeling the acceleration. What we feel when standing is nominally this force since we are constrained to walk about on the earth. If the material surface of the earth were not constraining us, we would then free-fall, accelerating toward the center of mass of the earth.
Given the new theory, the attraction is a function of the energy-density, which, of course, includes the mass. The above traditional equation is a subset of the new. The new equation for gravitational force replaces the masses by the integral over the density and is as follows:

It is fascinating that at C.U. where they have created new matter called Bose-Einstein condensate, the velocity of light in this condensate can be almost as slow as the velocity of sound. It would be instructive to perform diallel line experiments in conjunction with B-E condensate matter. This high-density material could lead to some interesting validations of this new UFT due to the higher energy densities present.
The work of Dr. Ning Li at the University of Alabama at Huntsville is particularly fascinating also, as she is doing high frequency work with super conductors and investigating the quantum states associated with the gravity fields. She has not yet published her full theory, and her work appears to be among the most promising. (See references below)
As the electrons travel along diallel lines, they spin clockwise in a variety of quantum states. Anti-gravity comes as a result of spinning the electrons in the opposite direction. This is like and in conjunction with the creation of anti-matter. By so doing, one gets a negative sign from the A2 term in the above equation, for example, creating an upward rather than a downward force. This is somewhat analogous to a magnetic field being used to suspend objects.
Papers are available on the UFT, and both validating experiments and theory for the above gravitational interaction are available. These papers may be obtained by request. Several experiments are planned and some now are being prepared.
source : http://www.allanstime.com/UnifiedFieldTheory/gravity.htm

What's a Blog?

What's a blog?

A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.
Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.
In simple terms, a blog is a website, where you write stuff on an ongoing basis. New stuff shows up at the top, so your visitors can read what's new. Then they comment on it or link to it or email you. Or not.
Since Blogger was launched in 1999, blogs have reshaped the web, impacted politics, shaken up journalism, and enabled millions of people to have a voice and connect with others.
And we are pretty sure the whole deal is just getting started.
source : http://www.blogger.com/tour_start.g



1.Mesin Pelacak Informasi

Program aplikasi yang dipergunakan untuk membantu mendapatkan informasi di internet.
Teknik pencarian informasi menggunakan langkah sistematis yang dikenal dengan algoritma pencarian.
Prinsip dasar pencarian adalah membandingkan apa yang dicari dengan sesuatu yang telah Anda tentukan sebelumnya.
Skema dasar mesin pencari yaitu:
- Kotak tema, yaitu kotak yang digunakan sebagai tempat untuk memasukkan kata kunci yang akan digunakan sebagai acuan pencarian.
Tombol eksekusi, yaitu tombol yang digunakan untuk menjalankan perintah pencarian
- Informasi di internet setiap saat senantiasa berkembang atau bertambah.

Mesin pencari harus memperbarui basis datanya setiap saat melalui program secara otomatis.
Program pembaharu tersebut antara lain spider, bot atau crawler yang setiap selang waktu tertentu menjelajahi internet membaca dokumen-dokumen yang ada di internet, meringkas, dan menyimpannya di basis data dengan menggunakan sistem pengindeksan

Cara kerja mesin pencarian :
- ketika mencari informasi di Internet
- komputer akan mengirimkan kata kunci ke server mesin pencarian.
- Server akan melakukan pencarian dokumen web di basis data yang dimilikinya kemudian disesuaikan dengan kata kunci.
- Hasil pencarian disusun berdasarkan tingkat kesesuaiannya dengan kata kunci
- server mengirimkan hasil pencarian ke komputer.

Ciri-ciri mesin pencari yang handal:
- Cara kerja mesin pencari dengan meng-eksploitasi kelebihan mesin pencari tersebut.
- Mempunyai basis data yang besar dan selalu meng-up date nya.
- memberikan hasil pencarian yang sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan.
- Mempunyai kecerdasan buatan yang baik sehingga memahami apa yang Anda cari.
Contoh mesin pencarian
1. Google (www.google.com)
-Google dikembangkan tahun 1998 oleh dua sahabat Larry Page dan Sergey Brin dari Stanford University.
-mudah dalam mengoperasikannya, layout nya ringkas, cepat, dan mempunyai fasilitas untuk mencari website yang hilang.
-basis datanya besar dan dapat membagi basis datanya dengan mesin pencari lain seperti Yahoo. Artinya jika kata yang dicari tidak ditemukan di basis data Google, pencarian akan dilakukan pada basis data Yahoo
-menyediakan pencarian dengan berbagai bahasa termasuk bahasa Indonesia.

2. Yahoo (www.yahoo.com)
-Yahoo merupakan mesin pencari yang menggunakan pengindeksan pada direktori.
-dikembangkan berawal dari koleksi link pribadi Jerry Yang.
-mempunyai basis data yang besar dan dapat membagi basis datanya dengan Google. Artinya jika kata yang Anda cari tidak ditemukan di basis data Yahoo, pencarian akan dilakukan di basis data Google.
-Kelebihan lain yaitu semua webmaster ingin agar website mereka terdaftar di indeks Yahoo!

3. Altavista (www.altavista.com)
-Altavisa merupakan mesin pencari yang kembangkan oleh Digital Corp.
- Altavista mempunyai kelebihan dalam pencarian cangih (advanced search) dengan menggunakan operator Boolean AND, OR, (), NOT, NEAR, ``, dan *.

4. Lycos (http://lycos.com/)
-Lycos dikembangkan di Carnegie Mellon University pada tahun 1994 dan merupakan mesin pencari yang paling tua. Kelebihan Lycos adalah mudah digunakan dan mudah menemukan website .

Prinsip umum mesin pencarian
1. Spider
Merupakan program yang men-download halaman-halaman yang mereka temukan, mirip dengan browser. Perbedannya adalah bahwa browser menampilkan secara langsung informasi yang ada (baik tekas, gambar, dll).
2. Crawler
Merupakan program yang dimiliki search engine untuk melacak dan menemukan link yang terdapat dari setiap halaman yang ditemuinya. Tugasnya adalah untuk menentukan spoder harus pergi kemana dan mengevaluasi link berdasarkan alamat yang ditentukan dari awal.
3. Indexer
Komponen ini melakukan aktifitas untuk menguraikan masing-masing halaman dan meneliti berbagai unsur, seperti teks, headers, struktur atau fitur dari gaya penulisan, tag HTML khusus, dll.
4. Database
Merupakan tempat standar untuk menyimpan data-data dari halaman yang telah dikunjungi, di-download dan sudah dianalisis. kadang kala disebut juga dengan index dari suatu search engine.
5. Result Engine
Mesin yang melakukan penggolongan dan penentuan peringkat dari hasil pencarian pada search engine.
menentukan halaman mana yang menemui kriteria terbaik dari hasil pencarian berdasarkan permintaan penggunanya, dan bagaimana bentuk penampilan yang akan ditampilkan.
6. Web server
Merupakan komponen yang melayani permintaan dan memberikan respon balik dari permintaan tersebut.
menghasilkan informasi atau dokumen dalam format (HTML). Pada halaman tersebut tersedia layanan untuk mengisikan kata kunci pencarian yang diinginkan oleh usernya.
bertanggung jawab dalam menyampaikan hasil pencarian yang dikirimkan kepada komputer yang meminta informasi.

Cybercrime dan keamanan data
Cybercrime diartikan kejahatan atau tindakan melawan hukum yang dilakukan oleh seseorang dengan menggunakan sarana komputer.
Pelaku kejahatan di cyberspace : hacker dan cracker

Hacking adalah usaha memasuki sebuah jaringan dengan maksud mengeksplorasi ataupun mencari kelemahan sistem jaringan,
cracking adalah usaha memaski secara ilegal sebuah jaringan dengan maksud mencuri, mengubah, atau menghancurkan file atau data yang disimpan kompunter-komputer yang ada di jaringan tersebut
metode atau

cara kerja yang digunakan cracker :
-Spoofing : Bentuk penyusupan dengan cara memalsukan identitas user sehingga cracker bisa login ke sebuah jaringan komputer secara ilegal. Pemalsuan identitas user ini menyebabkan cracker bisa log in seolah-olah sebagai user yang asli.
- Scanner : Menggunakan sebuah program yang secara otomatis akan mendeteksi di jaringan lain. Cara ini memungkinkan seorang cracker yang berada di Jepang dapatmelihat kelemahan sistem keamanan sebuah jaringan komputer yang ada di Indonesia
- Sniffer : Alat yang berfungsi sebagai penganalisis jaringan dan bekerja untuk memonitor jaringan komputer.
- Password Cracker : Program yang dapat membuka password yang sudah di-enkripsi (dikodekan). Selain itu ada juga password cracker yang bekerja dengan cara menghancurkan sistem keamanan pasword.
- Destructive Devices : Program yang berupa virus yang dibuat untuk menghancurkan data-data.
karakteristik dari kejahatan internet
- Kejahatan melintasi batas-batas negara.
- Sulit menentukan yurisdiksi hukum yang berlaku karena melintasi batas-batas negara. Misalnya, pelaku adalah orang Indonesia yang melakukan transaksi ilegal dari Singapura ke sebuah perusahaan e-commerce yang ada di Amerika Serikat dengan menggunakan kartu kredit orang Jepang.
- Perbuatan yang dilakukan secara ilegal, tanpa hak atau tidak etis tersebut terjadi di ruang/wilayah maya (cyberspace), sehingga tidak dapat dipastikan yurisdiksi hukum negara mana yangberlaku terhadapnya.
- Menggunakan peralatan-peralatan yang berhubungan dengan komputer dan internet.
- Mengakibatkan kerugian yang lebih besar dibanding dengan kejahatan konvensional.
- Pelaku memahami dengan baik internet, komputer dan beberapa aplikasi.

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Paramore - That's What You Get Lyrics

No sir, well, I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore
It's your turn, so take a seat
We're settling the final score
And why do we like to hurt so much?

I can't decide, you have made it harder
Just to go on
And why, all the possibilities
Well, I was wrong

That's what you get
When you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get
When you let your heart win, whoa

I drowned out all my sense
With the sound of its beating
And that's what you get
When you let your heart win, whoa

I wonder, how am I supposed to feel
When you're not here?
'Cause I burned every bridge I ever built
When you were here

I still try holding onto silly things
I never learn
Oh why, all the possibilities
I'm sure you've heard

That's what you get
When you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get
When you let your heart win, whoa

I drowned out all my sense
With the sound of its beating
And that's what you get
When you let your heart win, whoa

Pain, make your way to me, to me
And I'll always be just so inviting
If I ever start to think straight
This heart will start a riot in me
Let's start, start, hey!

Why do we like to hurt so much?
Oh, why do we like to hurt so much?
That's what you get
When you let your heart win, whoa

That's what you get
When you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get
When you let your heart win, whoa

Now I can't trust myself
With anything but this
And that's what you get
When you let your heart win, whoa


Paramore - Ignorance Lyrics

If I’m a bad person, you don’t like me
Well, I guess I’ll make my own way
It’s a circle, a mean cycle
I can’t excite you anymore

Where’s your gavel? Your jury?
What’s my offense this time?
You’re not a judge but if you’re gonna judge me
Well, sentence me to another life

Don’t wanna hear your sad songs
I don’t wanna feel your pain
When you swear it’s all my fault
’Cause you know we’re not the same
No, we’re not the same, oh, we’re not the same

We’re the friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can’t accept that the change is good
It’s good, it’s good

Well, you treat me just like another stranger
Well, it’s nice to meet you, sir
I guess I’ll go, I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger
Well, it’s nice to meet you, sir
I guess I’ll go, I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend

This is the best thing that could’ve happened
Any longer and I wouldn’t have made it
It’s not a war, no, it’s not a rapture
I’m just a person but you can’t take it

The same tricks that, that once fooled me
They won’t get you anywhere
I’m not the same kid from your memory
Well, now I can fend for myself

Don’t wanna hear your sad songs
I don’t wanna feel your pain
When you swear it’s all my fault
’Cause you know we’re not the same
No, we’re not the same, oh, we’re not the same

Yeah, we used to stick together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can’t accept that the change is good
It’s good, it’s good

Well, you treat me just like another stranger
Well, it’s nice to meet you, sir
Well, I guess I’ll go, I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger
Well, it’s nice to meet you, sir
Well, I guess I’ll go, I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend

Well, you treat me just like another stranger
Well, it’s nice to meet you, sir
Well, I guess I’ll go, I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger
Well, it’s nice to meet you, sir
I guess I’ll go, I best be on my way out

The Negative Effects of Horror/Mystery Film/Sinetrons

The implicit, and often explicit, intention of horror movies is to scare people. The fright engendered by horror movies can have residual psychological effects for years. Two studies, "Tales from the Screen: Enduring Fright Reactions to Scary Media" and another, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), both concluded that exposure horror movies may have long-lasting adverse effects on children.
The NIMH study reveals direct evidence that in children 5 and younger, especially toddlers, scary movies can produce acute cases of anxiety. The symptoms of this anxiety include sleeping disorders, aggressiveness and self-endangerment.
Both studies indicated that children exposed to horror films avoided real life situations shown in a fictional manner on screen. The subjects exhibited dread of facing those situations. Some children not only avoided real life situations, but also come to avoid seeing other movies or TV shows dealing with the same situations that instilled the original fear.
A common effect among older children and even tweens and pre-teens, upon viewing horror movies is to obsessively talk about the stimulus that produces the fear. The subject of the obsessive talk may be expressed in either a morbid fascination or a a need to alienate themselves from what they have seen through discourse.
Probably the most common effect that horror movies have on children is the production of nightmares. Many children as well as adults can be expected to have a nightmare after seeing a horror film, especially one that may be troublesome emotional or features particularly repulsive and upsetting gore.
The stimuli found to produce an adverse effect in children most often in horror films was the representation of blood or physical injury. Almost two-third of respondents report being affected emotionally more by the presence of blood and injury over stimuli such as disturbing images, environmental disasters, scary animals, monsters and aliens.
-Most Common Symptoms
-Many symptoms are associated with a reaction to viewing horror films. Among the most common symptoms include crying or screaming, trembling or shaking, upset stomach, clinginess, paralysis, sweating, fever, chills and loss of appetite.
-Encourage people to believe that there is in addition to the jinn and human beings, the derivatives such as pocong demons, ghosts, and kuntilanak. Though God in the scriptures affirm the Qur'an that Allah did not create the jinn and humans apart. He said
  "And I only created jinn and man to serve me."
  Adh Dzaariyaat: 56
-Cause believing in addition to shirk with Allah. And resolve problems unseen by human intermediaries who has supernatural abilities.
- Scare yourself with visions of the devil (though humans are noble and respected by the jinn). And more frightening than the colonization of new demons and punishment of the grave of their Creator.
-Mystery sinetrons deal with the viewer's nightmares, hidden worst fears, revulsions and terror of the unknown. Although a good deal of it is about the supernatural, if some films contain a plot about morbidity, serial killers, a disease/virus outbreak and surrealism
-elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's most primal fears. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer through the means of macabre and the supernatural, thus they may overlap with the fantasy and supernatural genre.
An immediate psychological effect of scary movies on the minds of people is lack of sleep. The person may find an inability to sleep through the night for few days, even months after watching the movie. He/she may need to use a nightlight while sleeping. The thoughts of the horrifying characters appeared in the horror movie and the situations may haunt him/her, leading to sleepless nights. This condition last for a week to even a year.
The hangover of horror movie is largely characterized by a fear. The person may become afraid of the dark, or cling to the companion while sleeping. He/she may cry, scream, tremble, shake or even nauseate, if the horror film has really scared him/her. Fear of losing control, fear of dying are also associated with the horror movies.
As a result of watching the situations portrayed in the horror movie, the person may develop a phobia towards animals such as mammals, insects, reptiles, fire, flood, water, blood/injection/injury or height and enclosed spaces. He/she may get disturbed by loud noises or horrible faces.
-According to Glenn Sparks, a professor of communication at Purdue University, the physical reactions to horrifying images include sweaty palms, tense muscles, a drop of several degrees in skin temperature, a spike in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate of up to 15 beats per minute. Those are some pretty incredible changes considering you're simply sitting still viewing images. But what about possible mental effects? The area in our brain that plays a large part in regulating emotions can be permanently imprinted by fear.
-In fact, Joanne Cantor, PhD, director of the Center for Communication Research at University of Wisconsin, believes that allowing children under the age of 14 to watch scary movies may cause them to have a lifelong irrational fear. Children are impressionable and have a much harder time differentiating between real and imagined threats. Most phobias adults have are believed to be direct results of a traumatizing experience (including a scary movie) had as a child
• Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be overweight. TV viewing is a sedentary activity, and has been proven to be a significant factor in childhood obesity .It is probably replacing activities in your child's life that you would rather have them do like playing with their friends.
• Unsupervised television watching in children can lead to an early exposure to a wide variety of things. Kids see favorite characters smoking, drinking, and involved in other risky behaviors in movies they watch on TV. That may Increase aggressive behavior.
• Kids who spend more time watching TV spend less time interacting with family members. The more time that children spent viewing television without parents and siblings present, the less time they spent interacting with parents or siblings, respectively.
• Studies in psychology have shown that watching intense emotions on television leaves a long-lasting impact on one's mind. Horror scenes that are featured on television have a negative impact on the minds of kids watching them. Scary movies can produce acute cases of anxiety. It is characterized as long-term effects on children, which may even linger into their adulthood .The symptoms of this anxiety, include sleeping disorders and aggressiveness. As a result of watching the situations portrayed in the horror movie, the person may develop a phobia towards things such as animals, fire, flood, water, blood, height and enclosed spaces.
• Television can affect learning and school performance .Excessive TV viewing can contribute to poor grades and can reduce children's learning abilities and academic achievement.
• Advertising target kids, attractively presented advertisements and film stories deeply impact young minds, thus influencing the thoughts and behavior of children. Television can also contribute to childhood obesity by aggressively marketing junk food to young audiences

How to Make New and Unique Content for Your Blog

Creating content that is both useful and new shouldn’t be so difficult. If you step back and take a good look at what your readers really want from you, you’ll see that all they really want from you is fresh content. The kind of information that you share with your readers isn’t important, what is important is that your information stays fresh. There really is something about content that gets updated and kept fresh–at least in its own way. There are just people in the world who are on the constant lookout for new and updated information, why not just offer it up to them?

This has been proven to help blogs grow their popularity. Here are some tips and tricks to increase the freshness of your blog so that it can be even more valuable to you. The regional business network in your region is a great place to start getting found. For example, for a modest business within the Lexus category, your most important aim really should be about boosting your sales and profits in whatever method you are able to.

Reading is a fantastic way to come up with new ideas for blog content. It’s the truth: if you are a big reader, you can learn a lot more. And when you boost your knowledge, you’ll get lots of ideas of your own. It’s not hard to apply these ideas to the content you want to create for your blog. The absolute best thing about learning and reading is that you can always stay updated. Your blog’s readers will enjoy that you can keep ahead of the crowd. They’ll like you best because they can count on you to give them up to date and new content. So learn to enjoy reading and read regularly.

You could also go back to some older posts and do some updating. It’s the truth — you aren’t always required to look outside. Just look at your blog and see if any posts might do better with some updating. Add some twists to those posts and tell your readers that you have done some updating. That could be as basic as writing a new tip or two to go alongside older ones. This will also be fine for your readers. They always hope to keep themselves updated. Why else would they have subscribed to your blog? So why not just get out there and give it to them? If you ever absolutely want to perform well with a small business, explore the following practices on just how you can start up and perpetuate one starting today. Even if you are managing a modest organization related to Keyes Lexus, you will make it develop and do well with it in case you take the measures explained below.

If you are running a blog in a niche that is really popular, you can always try interviewing some experts. This is a great way to generate new ideas for content on your blog. This will get you the content you want by leveraging other people’s knowledge. Most experts are happy to grant interviews. And why is this? Because your blog gives them a chance at free publicity. And you can get some fantastic content. This helps everybody so why not just go ahead and do it? Take that first step and make contact with your field’s experts for that fist interview. In order for your blog to become a success, you absolutely have to create content that is fresh and “happening.” And that is the exact reason you should start working to implement these tips and hints. Coming up with fresh and unique ideas for your content isn’t really all that difficult. All that’s really required is thinking outside of the box and applying all of the right techniques. When you get this part right, you won’t have to worry about anything else. So what’s keeping you back? Take what you’ve learned here, go out there and start putting all of these simple but still effective techniques into action. Whenever you are happy to learn, and do not overextend yourself with expenses, you can ultimately grow your company into a self sustaining endeavor. For instance, if you commence employing these steps to your Lexus corporation for example, you will have progress arriving your way.
source : http://glamorousjunk.com/how-to-make-new-and-unique-content-for-your-blog/

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Dampak Negative Horror Film

Apakah Anda suka menonton film horor? Atau malah film jenis inilah yang jadi tontonan favorit Anda? Bisa jadi begitu, terutama bila Anda adalah seorang yang menyukai keseraman, ketakutan, atau tantangan.

Namun, hati-hati bila Anda sudah mempunyai anak. Sebaiknya, jangan ajak anak Anda untuk ikut menonton film-film horor tersebut. Film horor boleh saja Anda sukai, tapi film jenis itu sama sekali tidak baik bagi anak Anda.

Pengertian film horor adalah film yang berisi tentang ketakutan dan kengerian yang bertujuan untuk menakut-nakuti penonton. Semakin takut penonton ketika menyaksikan film, semakin baguslah film horor tersebut. Namun, ketakutan yang ditimbulkan tersebut bisa berefek secara psikologis selama bertahun-tahun, terutama bagi anak-anak.

Dampak Negatif Film Horor Pada Anak

Berikut adalah pengaruh negatif film-film horor bagi anak-anak :

1. Mimpi Buruk

Efek yang sering ditemui bagi anak setelah menonton film horor adalah datangnya mimpi buruk dalam tidur mereka. Anak akan bermimpi tentang hal yang menakutkan seperti dalam film, kemudian dia terbangun dengan tiba-tiba dan merasa ketakutan. Hal tersebut bila terjadi terus-menerus akan menyebabkan gangguan kejiwaaan anak yang serius.

2. Kecemasan yang Berlebihan

Film-film horor bisa menimbulkan kecemasan yang berlebihan pada anak berusia di bawah lima tahun. Akibat dari kecemasan yang berlebihan ini, maka anak akan mengalami gangguan tidur, agresif, dan melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang berbahaya bagi dirinya sendiri.

3. Menghindari Kehidupan Nyata

Efek lain yang sangat merugikan adalah rasa takut pada psikologis anak untuk menghadapi kehidupan yang sesungguhnya. Anak akan menjadi seorang penakut, takut keluar karena dihantui kenyataan yang paparkan dalam film-film horor. Ia takut akan menemukan situasi yang sama seperti dalam film.

4. Menimbulkan Obsesi

Anak-anak pra-remaja dan remaja akan cenderung terobsesi akan hal-hal yang menakutkan. Mereka akan berbicara tentang hal-hal yang mengerikan satu sama lain, suka menakut-nakuti teman, dan sebaginya.

5. Efek Umum

Selain efek-efek di atas, ada efek yang paling umum ditemui. Efek film-film horor paling umum bagi anak yaitu seperti menjerit tiba-tiba, menangis, gemetar, sakit perut, berkeringat, menggigil, dan kehilangan nafsu makan
6. Menganggap Benar -- Anak yang terbiasa menonton film horor atau mistik akan menganggap apa yang mereka lihat adalah benar, tak bisa membedakan mana yang nyata dan rekaan semata. "Mereka menginternalisasikannya ke dalam belief system sehingga setelah dewasa percaya klenik," jelas Rani pada acara kampanye "Lindungi Keluarga" di Jakarta, baru-baru ini.

 7. Perilaku Berubah -- Perilaku anak bisa berubah. Contohnya, kecemasan, ketakutan berkepanjangan, dan mimpi buruk. Isi film horor sebagian besar adegan kekerasan dan kejahatan berdarah. Anak terobsesi menirunya yang cenderung membahayakan dirinya dan orang lain.

 8. Jangka Panjang -- Dampak psikologisnya bisa berjangka panjang. Dampak ini mempengaruhi rasa percaya diri anak. Menurut Steve Wollin dalam buku "Resileince Self", manusia lahir tanpa jati diri dan jati diri dibentuk dari pantulan ekspresi-ekspresi wajah yang dilihatnya. "Jika anak-anak selalu melihat ekspresi wajah marah atau menakutkan, maka mereka merasa diri tidak layak dicintai," jelas Rani.

 9. Prestasi Akademik -- Dampak pada prestasi akademiknya, anak jadi kurang tidur dan rasa cemas berkepanjangan. Akibat yang ditimbulkan adalah menurunnya konsentrasi dan kemampuan mengendalikan diri hingga mereka tidak dapat belajar optimal.

 Upaya Mencegah

 Banyak langkah pintar yang bisa dilakukan orangtua untuk mencegah anak terkena dampak tayangan negatif seperti itu, misalnya sbb.:

 1. Pahami status tontonan, misalnya status tayangan BO (Bimbingan Orangtua) untuk anak usia di atas 13 tahun sementara status DW untuk usia di atas 21 tahun.

 2. Pilihkan tayangan sesuai usia anak.

 3. Dampingi anak saat menonton, ingatkan atau bekali anak dengan pengetahuan tentang dampak buruk tontonan horor dan kekerasan.

 4. Diskusikan dengan anak-anak tentang tayangan yang membuat mereka tidak nyaman atau menakutkan. Orangtua atau seorang ibu misalnya, bisa mengatakan pada anak, "Kalau ada tontonan yang buat kamu takut atau tidak bisa tidur, kamu bisa ceritakan pada ibu."

 5. Ajak anak melakukan kegiatan yang bersifat fisik untuk menghindarkannya duduk pasif di depan layar televisi.

 Lantas, bagaimana kalau anak telanjur melihat tontonan tersebut? Intinya komunikasi. Kemudian, orangtua jangan menampakkan ekspresi takut di depan anak saat mereka menakuti-nakuti. Ya, pura-pura beranilah.

 Ditambahkan, anak harus dibiasakan berpikir realistis dan logis agar level ketakutannya pada hal-hal mistis menurun. Misalnya seorang ibu mengatakan, "Setan itu memang ada, tapi tidak bisa kita lihat. Ibu juga tidak bisa lihat. Dan setan memang bertugas menggoda manusia untuk berbuat tidak baik."

 Turunkan pula level ketakutan anak dengan menjadikan diri orangtua sebagai cermin pengalamannya. Misalnya dengan mengatakan, "Sampai saat ini saja ibu tidak pernah lihat hantu."